Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 58 (2012) 7-8

leto 2012, letnik 58, številka 7-8

Mechanical Design Optimization for Multi-Finger Haptic Devices Applied to Virtual Grasping Manipulation

Javier López, Jose Breñosa, Ignacio Galiana, Manuel Ferre, Antonio Giménez, Jorge Barrio
Ogledov: 2662
Prenosov: 1420
Strani: 431-443

Online Monitoring, Analysis, and Remote Recording of Welding Parameters to the Welding Diary

Andrej Lebar, Luka Selak, Rok Vrabič, Peter Butala
Ogledov: 2668
Prenosov: 1408
Strani: 444-452

Exergy Analysis of Conventional and Low Exergy Systems for Heating and Cooling of Near Zero Energy Buildings

Mateja Dovjak, Masanori Shukuya, Aleš Krainer
Ogledov: 2563
Prenosov: 1653
Strani: 453-461

Dressing of Hybrid Bond CBN Wheels Using Short-Pulse Fiber Laser

Mohammad Rabiey, Christian Walter, Friedrich Kuster, Josef Stirnimann, Frank Pude, Konrad Wegener
Ogledov: 2508
Prenosov: 1568
Strani: 462-469

Boundary Layer Method for Unsteady Transonic Flow

Frane Majić, Ralph Voss, Zdravko Virag
Ogledov: 2289
Prenosov: 1424
Strani: 470-481

Non-Newtonian Blood Flow around Healthy and Regurgitated Aortic Valve with Coronary Blood Flow Involved

Jure Marn, Jurij Iljaž, Zoran Žunič, Primož Ternik
Ogledov: 2190
Prenosov: 1402
Strani: 482-491

Modeling of Thrust Forces in Drilling of AISI 316 Stainless Steel Using Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Regression Analysis

Adem Çiçek, Turgay Kıvak, Gürcan Samtaş, Yusuf Çay
Ogledov: 2248
Prenosov: 967
Strani: 492-498