Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 38 (1992) 7-9

leto 1992, letnik 38, številka 7-9

Heating of Fluids by Viscous Friction

Zlatko Rek, Polde Škerget
Ogledov: 2080
Prenosov: 1231
Strani: 163-170

A New Method for the Calculation of Ergonomic Loads at Work in Engineering Industry

Andrej Polajnar, Vekoslav Verhovnik
Ogledov: 1878
Prenosov: 1469
Strani: 171-180

Integrated Information System SOCRATES

Valentin Jarc
Ogledov: 1996
Prenosov: 1200
Strani: 181-192

Energy and Prices

Vincenc Butala
Ogledov: 2144
Prenosov: 1223
Strani: 193-199

Test Reference Years for Various Locations in Slovenia and their Adaptation for Direct Use

Andrej Hočevar, Lučka Kajfež-Bogataj, Damjana Virant
Ogledov: 2195
Prenosov: 783
Strani: 200-204

Uncertainty of Approximate Centroid Determination

Andro Alujevič
Ogledov: 1949
Prenosov: 1254
Strani: 205-206