Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 48 (2002) 12

leto 2002, letnik 48, številka 12

The Boundary-Element Method for the Dynamics of a Viscoelastic Maxwell Fluid

Leopold Škerget, Matej Požarnik
Ogledov: 1981
Prenosov: 1067
Strani: 645-662

Flooding-Recognition Methods in a Turbine-Stirred Vessel

Andrej Bombač, Iztok Žun
Ogledov: 2026
Prenosov: 980
Strani: 663-676

An Analysis of the Flow Kinematics in a Rotating Diffuser

Tom Bajcar, Brane Širok, Ferdinand Trenc, Dragica Jošt
Ogledov: 2035
Prenosov: 981
Strani: 677-686

The Sisko Model For Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow Using The Finite-Volume Method

Marjan Delić, Jure Marn, Zoran Žunič
Ogledov: 4315
Prenosov: 1554
Strani: 687-695

The Influence of Prandtl Number on Near-Wall Turbulent Heat Transfer

Robert Bergant, Iztok Tišelj
Ogledov: 2125
Prenosov: 1070
Strani: 696-706

A Mechanical and Electronic Measurement System for Particle Velocity Measurements in a Shotblasting Machine

Aleš Hribernik, Gorazd Bombek, Ivan Markočič
Ogledov: 2357
Prenosov: 1047
Strani: 707-718