Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 40 (1994) 1-2

leto 1994, letnik 40, številka 1-2

Creativity and Decision Making in Large-Sized Companies

Anton Dolenc
Ogledov: 1883
Prenosov: 1157
Strani: 4-10

Modelling and Optimizing of Vehicle Suspension

Franci Padežik, Chen Shi Ning, Marko Košir
Ogledov: 1848
Prenosov: 1205
Strani: 11-19

Development of School Bus from the Passive Protection Point of View

Robert Kogler, Bronislav Plemenitaš
Ogledov: 1935
Prenosov: 1498
Strani: 20-30

Heavy Duty Vehicle Brake Drum Service Stress and Service Life Expectation

Blažo Vuksanović, Marjan Jerkič
Ogledov: 1850
Prenosov: 1086
Strani: 31-39

Reliability Design as a Part of the Design Process

Matija Fajdiga, Tomaž Jurejevčič
Ogledov: 1924
Prenosov: 1227
Strani: 40-46

Data Acquisition and Data Processing on the Fuel Injection System Test Stand

Igor Šauperl, Želimir Dobovišek, Anton Černej, Rudolf Pušenjak
Ogledov: 1956
Prenosov: 780
Strani: 47-54

Combined Air-Oil Cooling of the TAM Prototype Diesel Engine

Ferdinand Trenc, Jože Primožič, Valter Volf
Ogledov: 1915
Prenosov: 1164
Strani: 55-65

Optimization of Fuel Injection System Design Parameters

Breda Kegl, Anton Černej
Ogledov: 2098
Prenosov: 1110
Strani: 66-75

Influence of Different Stresses on the Head Gasket

Frančišek Bizjan, Samo Mikluš
Ogledov: 1960
Prenosov: 1066
Strani: 76-82