Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 39 (1993) 1-2

year 1993, volume 39, issue 1-2

A Linear and a Nonlinear Equilibrium Equation in CAD of Structures

Maks Oblak, Marko Kegl, Branko Butinar
Views: 2004
Downloads: 1424
Pages: 6-16

Uprating of the Turbine in Hydro Power Station Hubelj

Jože Troha
Views: 1785
Downloads: 1392
Pages: 17-22

Stresses Around the Tip of an Axial Crack in a Steam Generator Tube

Leon Cizelj, Borut Mavko
Views: 1909
Downloads: 1146
Pages: 23-34

The Use of Program MATHEMATICA In the Finite Element Method for Thin Planet Analysis

Matjaž Skrinar
Views: 2219
Downloads: 1304
Pages: 35-42