Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 48 (2002) 5

year 2002, volume 48, issue 5

Flow Conditions in an Automotive Spray-Paint Chamber: Numerical and Experimental Analyses

Jure Marn, Zoran Žunič, Matjaž Ramšak, Primož Ternik
Views: 1975
Downloads: 1167
Pages: 244-256

A Computational Model for Calculating the Bending-Load Capacity of Gears

Srečko Glodež, Jože Flašker, Janez Kramberger, Damir Jelaska
Views: 2040
Downloads: 1113
Pages: 257-266

A Pneumatic Active-Surface Device: Open- and Closed-loop Control-Positioning Techniques for Rigid Objects

Suzana Uran, Riko Šafarič
Views: 1969
Downloads: 1118
Pages: 267-282

A Contribution to the Unbalance Control of Claw Poles for Automotive Alternators

Miha Nastran, Vid Krušič, Miha Boltežar
Views: 2008
Downloads: 1084
Pages: 283-294